Understanding the Difference: Christmas Cactus vs Thanksgiving Cactus

Are you curious about the distinction between a Christmas cactus and a Thanksgiving cactus? Look no further! This article aims to shed light on the subtle yet crucial dissimilarities between these two popular species of cacti. While they may appear similar at first glance, understanding their unique characteristics and blooming patterns will help you appreciate the distinct beauty each cactus brings to your holiday decorations. So sit back, relax, and let’s explore the captivating world of Christmas and Thanksgiving cacti!


Scientific Names

The scientific name of the Christmas Cactus is Schlumbergera spp., and the Thanksgiving Cactus belongs to the scientific genus Schlumbergera as well. Both plants are members of the Cactaceae family.


As mentioned earlier, both the Christmas Cactus and the Thanksgiving Cactus belong to the Cactaceae family. This family is known for its diverse group of fleshy-stemmed plants, commonly referred to as cacti.


The Christmas Cactus and the Thanksgiving Cactus have different origins. The Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera spp.) is native to the coastal mountains of Brazil, where it thrives in the cool, shady conditions of the forest understory. On the other hand, the Thanksgiving Cactus (Schlumbergera truncata) is indigenous to the mountains of southeastern Brazil. They grow naturally in the exposed rock crevices, making them more tolerant of brighter light and warmer temperatures than the Christmas Cactus.

Physical Appearance

Leaf Structure

Both the Christmas Cactus and the Thanksgiving Cactus have distinct leaf structures. The Christmas Cactus has flattened, segmented stems with rounded edges that resemble the shape of a crab’s claw. The Thanksgiving Cactus, on the other hand, has more pronounced and pointed stem segments that appear more like crab claws with sharp edges.

Leaf Color

The Christmas Cactus and the Thanksgiving Cactus showcase different leaf colors. The Christmas Cactus typically exhibits darker green leaves, while the Thanksgiving Cactus displays lighter green leaves. Additionally, the leaf segments of the Christmas Cactus may have slight indentations, emphasizing the crab claw shape, whereas the Thanksgiving Cactus segments are usually flat.

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Flower Structure

Both the Christmas Cactus and the Thanksgiving Cactus produce beautiful flowers. The flowers of the Christmas Cactus have a tubular shape, with the petals forming a bell-like structure. In contrast, the Thanksgiving Cactus produces flowers that have a more open, star-shaped appearance. The flowers of both plants can come in various colors, including pink, red, white, and purple.

Flower Color

The Christmas Cactus and the Thanksgiving Cactus boast a wide range of flower colors. The Christmas Cactus may produce flowers in shades of pink, red, white, or purple, adding a vibrant touch to your indoor décor during the holiday season. On the other hand, the Thanksgiving Cactus primarily produces flowers in shades of bright pink, offering a cheerful burst of color.

Blooming Time

Christmas Cactus

True to its name, the Christmas Cactus typically blooms around the Christmas season, from late November through December. During this period, its enchanting flowers add a festive atmosphere to any indoor space. Blooming can last for several weeks, allowing you to enjoy the beauty of this cactus throughout the holiday season.

Thanksgiving Cactus

As the name suggests, the Thanksgiving Cactus typically blooms around Thanksgiving, which falls in late November. Similar to the Christmas Cactus, the Thanksgiving Cactus produces stunning flowers that brighten up your home just in time for the Thanksgiving celebration. The blooming period usually lasts for a few weeks, delighting you with its captivating display.

Temperature Requirements

Christmas Cactus

The Christmas Cactus thrives in cooler temperatures, typically ranging from 60 to 70°F (15 to 21°C). During the blooming period, a slight drop in temperature, down to around 50°F (10°C), can help stimulate flower production. However, it is essential to protect the Christmas Cactus from freezing temperatures, as it is sensitive to extreme cold.

Thanksgiving Cactus

The Thanksgiving Cactus is more tolerant of warmer temperatures compared to the Christmas Cactus. It prefers temperatures around 70 to 75°F (21 to 24°C) during the day, with a slight temperature drop at night. Like its counterpart, the Thanksgiving Cactus should also be safeguarded from freezing temperatures.

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Lighting Needs

Christmas Cactus

When it comes to lighting, the Christmas Cactus prefers bright, indirect light. It thrives in shady conditions, making it well-suited for indoor environments. Placing the Christmas Cactus near a window where it can receive filtered sunlight is ideal. Avoid exposing it to direct sunlight, as this can cause leaf scorching.

Thanksgiving Cactus

Similar to the Christmas Cactus, the Thanksgiving Cactus thrives in bright, indirect light. It can adapt to slightly brighter lighting conditions than its counterpart. Placing the Thanksgiving Cactus near a window that receives a moderate amount of sunlight is recommended. Shield it from intense afternoon sun to prevent leaf damage.

Watering Requirements

Christmas Cactus

The Christmas Cactus prefers slightly moist soil but does not tolerate overly wet or dry conditions. Water your Christmas Cactus when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch, ensuring adequate drainage to prevent waterlogging. During the blooming period, it is crucial to maintain consistent moisture without overwatering, as this can lead to root rot.

Thanksgiving Cactus

Similarly, the Thanksgiving Cactus requires regular watering, keeping the soil slightly moist but not excessively damp. Water the plant when the top inch of soil feels dry, allowing any excess water to drain away. Overwatering should be avoided, as it can cause root rot. During the blooming period, maintaining proper moisture levels is essential for promoting healthy flower development.


Christmas Cactus

Propagating the Christmas Cactus can be achieved through various methods, including stem cuttings and division. Stem cuttings can be rooted in moist soil or water, producing new plants. Division involves separating the offsets or “pups” that form around the base of the plant and planting them in individual pots. Both methods can yield successful results with proper care and attention.

Thanksgiving Cactus

Propagating the Thanksgiving Cactus follows similar techniques as the Christmas Cactus. Stem cuttings and division are effective methods to grow new plants. Rooting the stem cuttings in a suitable growing medium or water and transplanting the offsets into separate pots after careful separation can result in new Thanksgiving Cactus plants.

Common Varieties

Christmas Cactus

Several popular varieties of the Christmas Cactus include the ‘White Christmas,’ which produces stunning white flowers, and the ‘Red Christmas,’ which showcases vibrant red flower blooms. Other varieties, such as the ‘Pink Pearl’ and the ‘Golden Christmas,’ offer unique color variations to choose from, allowing you to find the one that suits your preferences.

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Thanksgiving Cactus

The Thanksgiving Cactus also comes in various captivating varieties. The ‘Schlumbergera truncata’ is the classic Thanksgiving Cactus with bright pink flowers. The ‘Helen,’ with its salmon-colored blooms, and the ‘Thanksgiving Flame,’ with deep red flowers, are also highly sought-after varieties. With their distinct flower colors, these varieties add a touch of elegance to any indoor space.

Symbolism and Traditions

Christmas Cactus

The Christmas Cactus is often associated with the holiday season and is considered a symbol of warmth, love, and joy. Its vibrant flowers and lush greenery serve as a reminder of the beauty and warmth of the Christmas season. Additionally, the Christmas Cactus is often used as a decorative plant during celebrations and gatherings, spreading holiday cheer throughout homes and venues.

Thanksgiving Cactus

Although the Thanksgiving Cactus is not as widely recognized for its symbolism, it shares similar attributes with the Christmas Cactus. As it blooms around the time of Thanksgiving, it can be seen as a representation of gratitude and abundance. Its colorful flowers serve as a visual reminder to appreciate the blessings in our lives, making it a meaningful addition to Thanksgiving decorations.

Care Tips

Christmas Cactus

To keep your Christmas Cactus healthy and thriving, provide it with bright, indirect light, maintaining a temperature range of 60 to 70°F (15 to 21°C). Water the plant when the top inch of soil feels dry, avoiding overwatering and waterlogging. During the blooming period, ensure consistent moisture levels and protect the plant from extreme temperatures. Regularly fertilize the Christmas Cactus with a balanced houseplant food to promote growth and blooming.

Thanksgiving Cactus

For optimal care of your Thanksgiving Cactus, provide it with bright, indirect light, aiming for temperatures around 70 to 75°F (21 to 24°C). Water the plant when the top inch of soil feels slightly dry, avoiding overwatering and underwatering. During the blooming period, maintain proper moisture levels, and shield the plant from freezing temperatures. Fertilize the Thanksgiving Cactus regularly with a balanced houseplant fertilizer to support its growth and vibrant flower production.

Understanding the difference between the Christmas Cactus and the Thanksgiving Cactus allows you to appreciate the unique characteristics of each plant. Whether you’re captivated by the Christmas Cactus’s festive blooms or drawn to the Thanksgiving Cactus’s vibrant colors, these plants offer a wonderful addition to your indoor garden. With proper care and attention, these delightful cacti can thrive and bring joy to your home throughout the holiday season and beyond.